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Privacy Notice

General Data Protection Regulations – Effective 25 May 2018

Larkhill Centre Community Association Privacy Notice

The following Privacy Notice is a broad description of how the Larkhill Centre Community Association processes personal information.

We process personal information to enable us to provide a voluntary service to benefit the public of the area specified in our constitution

More specifically, we administer a record of user groups; we raise funds and promote the interests of the charity; we manage our volunteers, and maintain our own accounts and records as required by law.

We process personal information relevant to the above-mentioned purposes.

We may share this information with individuals described above for validation purposes.

We may share this information with public bodies as required by law.

We may share this information with appropriate trustees and members of the management committee for business reasons relating to the efficient operation of the charity.

When sharing data is necessary, we take action to ensure that we comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

For the purposes of compliance and continuous improvement GDPR will, in future be an item on the agenda of our monthly management meeting.

There follows a short list of your rights relating to GDPR: –

You have the right to:

  • Be informed of the details about you that we process as well as any changes we make Access your data.
  • Rectification and validation of your data
  • Erasure when appropriate
  • Restrict processing
  • Data portability
  • Object
  • Complain to the regulator if you have any concerns relating to your data – Information Commissioner, 0303 123 1113

Any data breaches will be investigated and reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office as may be necessary. We will review regularly our procedures

Last review date – 4 June 2019

Next review – 4 June 2020